So I’m Learning Spanish…Again!

So I’m learning Spanish, and I have been “learning” Spanish for the past 10 years.  I wonder if there is something that is preventing my brain from absorbing this language?  Did my ancestors fight the Spaniards?  It is not as though I am incapable of speaking any language other than English.  I took French through high school and even tested out of my first two French college classes.

It’s a bit embarrassing to admit, but my journey into this secret tongue began with a community center class “Spanish for the Workplace” back in 2000.  Oh yes, I was doing great…in class…but as soon as my feet left that classroom, all knowledge seemed to “exit stage right”.  Well, I did remember one thing from the class which is a  celebratory toast (hmmmmm…Dr. is that something to note?).  Anyway, the toast goes something like this: Arriba, abajo, centro, adentro (Up, down, center, in).   Nice. Six weeks of classes and that is what I take away. 

Ok I thought, maybe I need something more disciplined, perhaps a real college class.  Bam!  I enrolled in a “Beginning Spanish I ” class in 2001. Yes, I was diligent with homework and attendance, and thought that it was finally going to stick with me, until the dreaded night of realization at a Mexican restaurant.  As a newly minted Spanish I graduate, I confidently strided into the restaurant, exercising the tongue in preparation for all the rolls “rrrr’s” to come.  “Buenas noches” said the waiter, and I, with a very nice Spanish accent, echoed the same greeting back.

“Como estas esta noche” said the waiter (very quickly I might add).  “Comme ci, comme ca, et vous?” came out of my mouth before I could stop it!  French?  Are you kidding me?  Failure #2.

Perhaps I should have watched the following as a refresher before I so arrogantly went to dinner.

Oh, but it is not over!  After this second failure, I moved on to not one, but two different language CD courses, one from a now defunct company, and the second was Rosetta Stone. Again, with Rosetta Stone in particular, I thought I was finally there.  I flew through Disc 1 in a few weeks, started on Disc 2 and then….well… nothing.  I promised I would take at least one night a week and designate it as my “Spanish” night, but between work, friends, travel, outdoor activities, etc. , it got lost in the shuffle.  So when I did decide at any given time to pick it back  up, I had to start at Disc 1, Lesson 1 all over again.  I have not yet made it through Disc 2.  Failures #3 and #4.

My latest attempt has been a private tutor.  Every Monday night, I meet my tutor at Dunkin’ Donuts for some good ol’ Spanish speaking and donut eating fun!  I am very optimistic that this time it is going to work.  It may take some time, but I will either be a true Spanish-speaking woman…or the next spokesperson for Weight Watchers.
